Spyros Prosoparis
"Spring Ritual"

Subways Music presents Spyros Prosoparis’ first album, “Spring Ritual”. The Homeric Mythical Land of The Phaeacians, traditional songs and dances as well as fictional literature characters, become the inspiration for new melodies that arrive to us through the musicians and the instruments of the Band of the Philharmonic Society of Corfu. 


1. Joyful March for a Little Prince
2. Κorypho
3. Piraeus
4. Porto Leone
5. Tilburg
6. The Conductor of Cape Town
7. The Dance of the Nymph Corcyra
8. Fantasia Graziosa
9. The Dance of the Fireflies
10. Suite: I. In the Mythical Land of the Phaeacians: Alcinous, King of the Phaeacians
11. Suite: II. In the Mythical Land of the Phaeacians: Demodocus’ Song
12. Suite: III. In the Mythical Land of the Phaeacians: Μythorama- Return to the Homeric Scheria
13. Spring Ritual


Recordings from 25 to 27 April 2018

Concert Venue in the Ionian Academy, Corfu

Sound Recording and audio mixing: John Samouilidis

Mastering: Alexandros Chryssidis

Texts: Spyros Prosoparis

Text editing in English: Dimitris Papageorgiou

Cover art: "Waterfall of thoughts"

Painter: Iro Fytraki

Artwork: Anna Bougka

Production: Subways Music - Sophocles Sapounas

Production Contributor: May Hanna

Copyright: Sophocles Sapounas - Erateio Odeon


The release of this present CD was achieved by the generous support of:

Spyros and Mary Samoili (Big Sponsors), Vana Soueref (Sponsor)

and the moral support and encouragement of:

George Leotsakos and Christos Kolovos