Nights, Images And a Girl

George Couroupos

Subways Music is very pleased to present the second album of poetry set to music from its collaboration with the preeminent melodic composer, George Kouroupos. This disc is entitled:
"Nights, images and a girl"

In this disc, the distinguished composer selects and sets to music 33 poems, from the collections:
Ten and one nights, Modern Greek poetry
Ten images and a girl, Modern Greek poetry
Variations of female loneliness, in lyrics by Rena Apostolopoulou
Two songs, in poetry by Ioulita Iliopoulou

Artistic production supervision: Ioulita Iliopoulou
Executive Production: Sophocles Sapounas / Subways Music
Production associate: Kyriaki Chatzidaki
Graphic design: Anna Bougka
Sound recording, mixing: Themis Zafeiropoulos
Mastering: Anestis Psaradakos, Yiannis Christodoulatos / Sweetspot productions

The recording took place in the auditorium of the B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts and Music .