Subways Music presents the third of the five scheduled discs of songs by George Couroupos, under the title: "Lunarbabes".
It is a collection of songs, based on poetry by Ioulita Iliopoulou, performed by the eminent baritone Tassis Christoyannis and the distinguished Thanassis Apostolopoulos to accompany on the piano.

The disc includes two cycles. It begins with the Lunarbabes, seven songs of the moon which, through a tender and playful mood, talk about the night, loneliness, love, looking for love, hope, the happiness of coexistence. The second cycle includes eleven Songs from the Places. Poems set to music from places made by nature with "the breeze of the wind", with the "olive groves of the sea", or with the "little red riding hoods of the wind", the poppies; and inner places, of the soul, of romantic anticipation, of loneliness , of dreams. The poems of Ioulita that I chose, says George Couroupos, I felt that they flow naturally inside me, and that the music can come out of the verse almost without effort. This may also be due to her own way of writing, which automatically brings me the feeling of direct translation into music.

Other contributors:
Artistic editing: Ioulita Iliopoulou
Production execution: Subways Music / Sophocles Sapounas
Production partner: Kyriaki Chatzidaki
Graphic design: Anna Bougka
Sound engineering / mixing: Themis Zafiropoulos
Mastering: Anestis Psaradakos (Athens Mastering), Yiannis Christodoulatos (Sweetspot Productions)