Alkis Baltas

"The Selfish Giant"

Subways Music presents "The Selfish Giant", a musical tale.The composer and conductor Alkis Baltas arranges and orchestrates medieval songs and dances' melodies. Kostas Tsianos narrates Oscar Wilde's well - known tale accompanied by The Mixed Chorus of the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa, The Symphonic Orchestra of the Young People of the Municipality of Larissa and The Children’s Chorus of the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa under the direction of Dimitris Karvounis





Production: Subways Music – Sophocles Sapounas

Recording/ mastering: Vasilis Georgopoulos/ Digital Sound Studio

Cover art: “Prosopografia” - Painter: Fanie Karela

Back page art: “Ektos Plaisiou” - Painter: Dimitris Lapousis

Translation: Anna Papastavrou - Editions: Giannis Papadopoulos

Artwork: Dimitris Lapousis

Production contributor: May Hanna


Recordings took place at the Concert Hall of Municipal Conservatory of Larissa.